
Fabricated Musical Instruments

High-Quality Fabricated Cuatros – A Great Starting Point for Beginners

If you are just getting started and are not ready to take the next step in having a customized Cuatro made for you, then a fabricated Cuatro is an excellent starting point. There are many kinds of fabricated Cuatros, and it is vital to make a wise choice as the idea is for you to cherish your Cuatro. We offer high quality fabricated Cuatros which are made in Venezuela. The transportation of these instruments is conducted through trusted dispatching methods which have been tested to different countries on different continents, and they arrive with no complications.

Students measure their progress in different ways, and they also track their progress. This is done through recording videos of their playing to keep track of their improvements and also through practicing with their instruments. As they improve, they take the next steps and have higher quality instruments made for them as a reward for their progress. So…..save up your Cuatros and track your progress through them!

Combine Your Cuatro with a Membership!

We offer a fantastic opportunity for students where you can purchase a Cuatro along with a 2 YEAR TuCuatro membership plan at an amazing rate!

Combine Your Cuatro With A Membership

Select Your Cuatro

Cuatro Nut Clear

The best option for Beginners!

Cedar & Pine Cuatro – 17 Frets

$220 US

Beautiful Cedar Venezuelan Cuatro with exquisite sound and ideal for Beginners.


Caoba Cuatro – 17 Frets

$350 US

A Venezuelan Cuatro made with genuine Mahogany (Caoba) and exotic woods.

Do You Prefer a Customized Luthier Cuatro?

Cedar & Pine Cuatro

Cedar & Pine Cuatro. ©2015 TuCuatro.
Cedar & Pine Cuatro. ©2015 TuCuatro.

If you are just getting started, then this is the Cuatro for you! A quality Venezuelan Cuatro made with pure Cedar and Pine.

This Cuatro has 17 frets, but the length of the neck is the same as that of a 15 fret Cuatro. This is thanks to the incorporation of the 16th & 17th frets on the crescent moon designed fingerboard, which allows you to reach these frets without any problem!

Simple, affordable and easy to play.

The Cuatro is a re-entrant instrument, so you will need individual strings.  WE WILL INCLUDE TWO SETS OF STRINGS WITH THE CUATRO.

Aprox. size:  78 cm length, 25cm width.

Cedar Cuatro characteristics:

  • 17 frets
  • Cedar & Pine Wood
  • Lightweight
  • Includes Hard Case
  • Worldwide Shipping*

Buy this Cuatro now including a case for just USD 220.00.

Shipping in 2 to 3 weeks directly to your address everywhere in the world!

Buy your Cedar Cuatro!

* Shipping included to your country.


[contact-form to=’tucuatrodigital@gmail.com’ subject=’Cedar %26amp; Pine Cuatro’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

Caoba Cuatro

A Venezuelan Cuatro made with genuine Mahogany (Caoba) and exotic woods.   This cuatro has 17 frets, and it is ideal for solo and instrumental players.  The fingerboard allows the player to strum with ease as it comes with a plate made from Cedar.

The cuatro is a reentrant instrument, so you will need special strings.  WE WILL INCLUDE ONE SETS OF STRINGS WITH THE CUATRO.

Aprox. size:  78 cm length, 25cm width.

Caoba Cuatro characteristics:

  • 17 frets
  • Mahogany (Caoba) Wood
  • Cedar Fingerboard
  • Pedro Borrero’s Soloist Cuatro Manual
  • 4 Training CDs
  • Includes Generic Black Case
  • Worldwide Shipping*

Buy your Caoba Cuatro!

* Shipping included to your country.


[stripe name=”TuCuatro” amount=”35000″ description=”Caoba Cuatro – 17 Frets Borrero”]

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