
Cavaquinho and Cavaco Songs from Brazil

Do you play Cavaquinho? Here you will be able to see the lyrics and learn the chords of your favorite Brazilian songs. Play genres like Samba, Bossa with your Cavaquinho musical instrument.

All songs at TuCuatro show the chord figures for various instruments, including the Cavaquinho, so be sure to select your instrument before you start learning the lyrics and chords for a specific song.

Do you need to learn a chord for the Cavaquinho?

If you want to check how to do a specific chord, you can use our Cavaquinho Chords Calculator here where you will be able to input the name of the chord you want to learn and see the figure and where to position each one of the fingers at the fretboard.

Cavaquinho Songs

Do you want to learn how to play?

TuCuatro can teach you how to play the instrument you love. We have a Cavaquinho course that you can start right now, totally free! Just visit our Courses page and select the Cavaquinho Course so you can start learning how to play this beautiful instrument. Head to our Music Education System right now and start learning today!

Also, if you’re in need to buy a new cavaquinho or want to upgrade your musical instrument, be sure to check out our Cavaquinho store at TuCuatro. The store is full of options for you to select the musical instrument that you want to have. Our warehouse in Brazil is ready to ship a Cavaquinho for you so you can receive it at your doors in just about 5 to 10 business days. You will be able to find an instrument, buy it, and get it in your hands in no time. Head to our musical instrument store and purchase your next cavaquinho, shipping worldwide!

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Would you like to play a song?

TuCuatro has a lovely collection of lyrics and chords for the most famous songs there are. Give it a try and click on one of them below:

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