Washington! The Cuatro delivered right to your doors

Are you thinking of buying a Cuatro from Washington, DC?

TuCuatro offers the only trusted e-commerce for you to buy a Cuatro and many other folkloric instruments. Each cuatro sold by TuCuatro has been reviewed by a professional cuatro player, a “cuatrista.” This way we guarantee that you receive a cuatro of excellent sound quality. All our cuatros are shipped overseas from Venezuela with a customized wooden box that protects the cuatro, so it arrives in perfect conditions.

IMPORTANT: During limited time we’ll be offering FREE SHIPPING for any of our Beginner’s Cuatros

If you are just getting started, then the recommendation is to first start with a fabricated Cuatro. These are of excellent quality and for a very fair price. Tested Cuatro fabricators make the Cuatros, so there are no quality issues. If you wish to have something more customized and take the next step, then you can consider one custom made to your liking. Let us know!

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Call us if you want to get more information on regarding our services or products

+1 (786) 374-2872

You can also reach our team by filling the following form. We will be responding back to you as soon as we receive your message:

[contact-form to=’tucuatrodigital@gmail.com’ subject=’Cuatro Inquiry from Washington’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

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