
How do I know if a Cuatro is good?

Before buying an instrument, it is critical that you assure that the quality of the instrument is good enough and that it tunes correctly in all frets.

Our teachers and musicians are constantly helping customers at the TuCuatro Store by reviewing each instrument to guarantee the quality of the sound.  One of the most used tests is the “fretboard scan” which consist of playing the instrument up to the 17 frets to guarantee that it tunes properly

The Cuatro shown in this video is a Cedar & Pine Cuatro 17 Frets Semiluna. This Cuatro has 17 frets, but the length of the neck is the same as that of a 15 fret Cuatro, thanks to the incorporation of the 16th & 17th frets on the crescent moon designed fingerboard, which allows you to reach these frets without any problem.

See more details about this cuatro here:

Do you want to be sure a cuatro has good enough quality for you? Be sure to test it or have a professional musician test it for you. If you’re buying online, be sure to buy from a trusted source, like the TuCuatro Store, where professional musicians are doing this and other tests to the instruments before shipping it to any address in the world.

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