A common exercise to practice scales in the world of music, is the exercise of tresillos. This exercise consists of three consecutive notes of the scale and involves playing them conjointly. Practice and improve your technique by playing the following exercises.
The mos basic exercise of Tresillos involves joining the first grades of the scale and playing them together. 1-2-3. Afterwards, we will join the grades starting from number 2 and playing them together: 2-3-4. This method continues until the 7th grade. The scale which we will make use of for all of the examples indicated in the exercise is the C Major scale. The simplest form of playing this is as follows:
In a tablature form, this is illustrated as follows:
Once you are comfortable playing this, try to execute this in reverse. First start off as you have been instructed above and when you reach the very end (this will be the C note) play the tresillo back to front:
A B C / B C D / C D E / D E F / E F G / F G A / G A B / A B C
C B A / B A G / A G F / G F E / F E D / E D C / D C B / C B A
This is illustrated in tablature form as below:
Now we will observe trios of notes in eighths or quaters. In the background you will be hearing the metronome. For every tick of the metronome we have 3 of the 4 eighths sounding and one in silence. To make this easier, let us first start from C and finish at C one octave downwards.
To finalize this, play the scale one more time, but this time start from the A note until you reach the C note one octave below:
In the tablature this can be illustrated as follows:
The full exercise in tablature form is as follows: