
Do you want to buy an Authentic Venezuelan Cuatro?

Buy a Cedar Cuatro!

Cedar & Pine Cuatro. ©2015 TuCuatro.
Cedar & Pine Cuatro. ©2015 TuCuatro.

A Venezuelan Cuatro made of pure Cedar and Pine wood.   This Cuatro has 17 frets and is ideal for students as well as beginner/intermediate musicians looking for an instrument to learn with.  The crescent-shaped Cedar fingerboard allows the player to strum and reach the highest frets with ease.

A Beautiful Authentic Venezuelan Cuatro For You

Write to us now! At TuCuatro we’re ready to ship this cuatro anywhere in the world in only 7 to 10 days with no extra cost for you:

Fill the form and ask us anything!

* Shipping included to any Country


[contact-form to=’tucuatrodigital@gmail.com’ subject=’Cedar %26amp; Pine Cuatro’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

This authentic Venezuelan cuatro has the following characteristics:

  • Cedarwood
  • Pine Plate
  • 17 frets
  • Excellent Tuning
  • Medium Action on the Strings

Purchase Your Instrument Now and get:

  • An Authentic Venezuelan Cuatro 17 Frets
  • Hand Crafted Black Hard Case
  • Wooden Box for ultra protection during shipment
  • Price: $220 US
  • Approx. size:  78 cm length, 25cm width.

The cuatro is a reentrant instrument so that you will need unique strings.  WE WILL INCLUDE TWO SETS OF STRINGS WITH THE CUATRO.


Juan Castro – Colombia

Estimados amigos,

Hoy recibí el cuatro y la verdad estoy muy contento. Es un instrumento muy bello y el sonido está buenísimo.Les agradezco la valiosa ayuda y sus prontas respuestas. Quedo atento para poder acceder a la membresía. Les envío algunas fotos.

Gracias de nuevo y un saludo de hermandad,
Juan C Castro

Why buying a cuatro with TuCuatro

TuCuatro EN LogoTuCuatro is by far the most recognizable brand on the market.  Born in Venezuela and created by real Cuatristas and Cuatro Professionals, TuCuatro has grown to an international presence in Canada, Netherlands, United States and most recently Japan.

TuCuatro guarantees the shipment of your cuatro until you receive it safely in your home or office.  Our freight is insured so you never have to deal with problems.  Your cuatro arrives at your house directly from the cuatro maker, and you will always be informed of the process of your order.

TuCuatro also makes it very easy to pay, as you can use any international credit card and pay safely and efficiently inside our website.

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