Chords: F Minor

Course: Chords: F Minor

Picture of TuCuatro


If you have learned how to play the E Minor chord on a cuatro, then the F Minor chord will be awfully very similar. Both chords have the exact same figure, the only difference being that the F Minor chord consists of a bar as it is the E Minor chord moved down by one fret.

Take a look at the comparison of the two:

E Minor Chord Illustration

F Minor Chord Illustration

As you can see, they both have the same figures. The marking of the frets does need to be adjusted since the bar comes into play. The marking should be using the index finger to mark a bar on the 1st fret of all of the strings followed by:

  • 1st String – 3rd Fret – Pinky
  • 2nd String – 3rd Fret – Ring Finger
  • 3rd String – 2nd Fret – Middle Finger

What notes compose the F minor chord?

he F minor chord is composed of the notes C, F, and G#. These three notes, when played together, create a somber, melancholy sound that is characteristic of a minor chord.

To conclude, we encourage you to watch a video demonstrating how to play the F minor chord on a cuatro. This will give you a better understanding of the finger placement needed to produce this chord.

F Minor Demonstration

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