We have seen two different kinds of waltzes already and let us now move forward to the next kind of waltz being the Vals Pasaje. A highly important genre in the music of the lowlands or Llanos of Latin America and typically when someone thinks of Vals Pasaje, they think of the great Simon Diaz. Later on we will be studying a song by Simon Diaz in particular and you will be able to play this after the completion of this lesson.
Rhythm of Vals Pasaje
The Rhythm followed by Vals Pasaje makes use of regular strums and frenados. It can be illustrated as follows (remember, the frenados are marked with the arrows ending with a circle):
Vals Pasaje Demonstration
In this demonstration the progression of I – IV – V is made use of relative to D Major. The chords are as follows:
D Major
G Major
Listen to the instructions provided by professor Toro as he explains how to execute the Vals Pasaje (make sure that the English subtitles are turned ON).