Seventh Figures: G7

Picture of TuCuatro


This figure will require you to make use of the agility and flexibility of all of your fingers as it requires an independent position for each and every fret marking. Let’s examine the finger positioning for this figure and see how it is applicable in other positions along the Cuatro to mark other chords.

G7 1st Position


For the G7 figure, the 1st string is to be marked with the middle finger, 2nd string ring finger, 3rd string index finger and 4th string with the pinky. Quite a lot to bear in mind and also to get used to. The best way to practice this is to simply strum all strings open, and then mark the G7 chord. This will take some time, but just keep being persistent and then it will become the most natural thing just as with other chords.

The Figure of G7

A7 2nd Position

Alternative A7 2nd Position

If we were to look for the A7 in 2nd Position, we would merely have to slide over 2 frets, once again each of them representing a halftone, and there we would get our A7. The A7 chord is rather unusual as we can apply something pretty interesting to it. The notes which make up A7 are A, E, G & C#. A variation of the A7 chord is to simply play the 1st string open. This note is A and therefore it can work with the combination of the other notes marked. It is practically the same chord, but giving a different effect.

D7 3rd Position

Similarly, we can slide down and manage to play the D7 in it’s 3rd position by sliding down until your index finger markes the 3rd string on the to the 8th fret.

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