Learn how to do the Cuatro Chords with our Chords Calculator. Our Chord Calculator is a powerful tool for learning how to play Cuatro chords on the instrument’s fretboard. If you’re just starting out or an experienced player looking to expand your chord vocabulary, our calculator makes it easy to find the chords you need. Simply enter the chord you want to learn, and our calculator will show you exactly where to place your fingers on the fretboard.
Once you’ve mastered a few chords, you can put your skills to the test by searching for songs on our Song Page. We recommend starting with easy songs that use the chords you’ve learned, so you can practice and improve your skills. And as you become more comfortable with the Cuatro, you can explore more advanced chords and songs to keep challenging yourself and growing as a musician. Don’t wait any longer – start learning Cuatro chords today with our Chord Calculator!

Select a Chord
- C
- C#
- Db
- D
- D#
- Eb
- E
- F
- F#
- Gb
- G
- G#
- Ab
- A
- A#
- Bb
- B
- maj
- min
- maj6
- m6
- 7
- m7
- 9
- m9
- maj7
- m7b5
- sus2
- sus4
- madd2
- 7sus4
- aug
- dim
- aug7
- dim7
- add9
How to use the cuatro chords calculator?
This tool was first designed to be used as a quick-access tool for students of our courses. It is now freely available for anybody who wants to learn how to do a cuatro chord.
To be able to find the one you would like to learn, just select the base or main chord on the first panel. Then, proceed to select a variation (major, minor, sixth, seventh, and other combinations). The chord will automatically appear on the screen after you select it.
The most popular cuatro chords are made with the major, minor and seventh. Then, there are some other more advanced combinations. For example, you could try E minor sixth instead of E minor, or D major seventh instead of D major. Feel free to play with them and see which one sounds good when used as a substitution.
What about other musical instruments?
You can also find chords for other musical instruments at TuCuatro, one of them being the Ukulele. Try the Ukulele Chord Calculator here. We also have the Cavaquinho Chord Calculator available for Brazilians or aficionados of Brazilian music. Try it now!
Our TuCuatro Courses teach how to apply most of the chord combinations to the cuatro and other musical instruments, like the Cavaquinho, Ukulele, or even Guitar. We recommend you visit and select one of our Musical Instrument Courses to gain a more profound knowledge of how to play songs. Courses at TuCuatro are available for free, and you can start any one of them without the need to register an account. Select the lessons you want to learn and start your path to playing better.
What can you do with these Chords?
Now that you’ve learned how to play a variety of Cuatro chords with our Chord Calculator, it’s time to put those skills to use in your own music. One of the best ways to do this is by searching for songs on our Song Page and experimenting with different chord progressions and voicings. Try searching for a song, start discovering how to use these in your songs today, and see where your musical journey takes you!