TuCuatro has been priviledged to work with the following artists and educators, who have created over 1.000 video lessons. The lessons created by these musicians are part of when we consider our online classes and courses. Most of them Are made for the Venezuelan Cuatro, but some for instruments like ukulele, guitar, and Bandola.
Each teacher and musician has collaborated or created courses with the highest standards for musical education.
Abraham Sarache
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Adrian Toro
Ottawa, Canada
Yasuji D’Gucci
Tokio, Japan
Darwin Medina
Pau, France
Maurizio Fiore
Alpharetta, United States
Raul Landaeta
Trinidad & Tobago
We invite you to learn more about our collaborators and check their courses. if you’re interested in becoming a TuCuatro teacher, please let us know here.
If you’re looking for Venezuelan Cuatro classes or any other musical instrument instruction, you can reach to any of these teachers and musicians or see the courses that they have posted at our website.
Also if you know of any musician that could contribute by creating their own courses for specific techniques for their musical instruments, don’t hesitate to contact us.