Learn to play Hey Soul Sister
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Topics for learning to play the Venezuelan Cuatro and musical techniques related to the instrument.
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In this lesson, we’re going to see how to do a simple hammer using part of the D major scale. The hammer technique is very
This is a very advanced technique that consist of playing a melody but using the same note on an octave lower and an octave higher
G Major in 2nd and 3rd Position
Tonic, Subdominant and Dominant notes relative to G Major.
Scale of F Major with the Cuatro.
E Minor Scale with the Cuatro
D minor scale on the Venezuelan Cuatro
If you do not have a Cuatro and are interested in playing, make sure that you contact us. We have contacts with distributors and will
For every instrument there is a learning curve and it does take time to familiarize yourself with the style of play. A common question is