Quiz final

Picture of TuCuatro


Online instructors face many challenges when providing instruction and feedback. From the list below, select the methods that can assist overcoming demands of online instructors. Select all that are applicable.

We have covered the feedback and assessment procedure applied to TuCuatro students. It is important to be aware of the full procedure in sequence, as there are a considerable amount of steps involved.
Using the steps indicated below, place them in correct order following the procedure highlighted in this sections’ demonstration.

  • Student selects assignment to complete
  • Student submits their assignment
  • E-mail notification of assignment submission received by instructor
  • Instructor accesses assignment area
  • Instructor reviews submitted student assignment [Instructor accesses student progress portfolio]
  • Instructor accesses student progress portfolio [Instructor reviews submitted student assignment]
  • Feedback is uploaded to student progress portfolio
  • Assignment is approved and informs student through message


We have covered the main differences relating to online learning with TuCuatro in comparison to the traditional learning styles of a conventional classroom. From the below list of options, select all that are applicable to the online learning experience.


What is the main benefit of the new feedback and assessment system compared to what TuCuatro previously had in place?


The online learning paradigm can be considered as:


When recording a video feedback, what is the most effective view when keeping in mind the student perspective?

Students choose to follow their studies online for numerous reasons. Out of the reasons below, select all that apply to the reasons why students choose an online music study:


What can actions relevant to the feedback and assessment procedure be conducted using a mobile device? Select those that apply.


What demonstration actions should be avoided when providing effective feedback or instruction? Select all that apply.


When naming the feedback file after including it in the student progress folder, what should be added to the end of the name so that the student knows it is a feedback file?


For what level of student would an audio file be the most effective?


When should provisioning feedback with video, what important factors covered in this instructional module we be mindful of?


How can we as online instructors create a collaborative environment with students?

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