Revisiones efectivas con Video

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Looking back at the unit relating to core approaches to online learning being articulation, description, demonstration, and adjustment, we can begin to see certain techniques to provide effective instructional methods when it comes to providing feedback. The first thing needed is to identify the mediums with which the instruction will be delivered and then indicate techniques to apply and combine these mediums.
Video – Providing students with clear demonstrations through video tend to be some of the most impactful teaching methods for musical instruments. The main benefit of a video is that you can combine both images and audio to support the learning. Even so, a poor video can leave students up in the air. Videos should be prepared with the following:

  • A clear view of the entire music instrument – As stated in the previous unit, the view of the instrument is more important than including the head of the instructor. Many instructors make the mistake of focusing on fitting their entire upper body into the video clip, whereas the most important part to show is the instrument and the hands of the instructor
  • Defined string marking – from the point of view of the instructor (looking down on the instrument) it is easy for us to identify what string is being marked and with what finger this is taking place. A student perspective is very different in that they are provided with the frontal view of the instrument where the marking is less evident. When demonstrating what strings are being marked, exaggerate the finger positioning so that it is clear what finger is marking what chord. The same is applicable for the playing fingers. Isolate each individual finger so that it is evident what the finger is doing and what it is playing.
  • Use various tempos – there is a real-time tempo being the speed at which the piece is to be played, and there is an adjusted tempo. The adjusted tempo is to be from a quarter to half of the original tempo. This gives the students a chance to review carefully what is being played. It is likely that the students will not begin to play at full tempo, therefore it is necessary to demonstrate the playing using the tempo with which the student is most likely to be playing. An instructional feedback video should include the real-time tempo and either a quarter or half tempo adjustment depending on the level of the student.

In the next unit, we will revise these points in the form of an instructional video.

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