Author: TuCuatro

El único sitio web para aprender a tocar el Cuatro en línea. Cursos gratuitos, lecciones y acceso a profesores y músicos profesionales. Visita TuCuatro para conocer más.

The TuCuatro Methodology

As a musician, you are likely always looking for ways to improve your skills and learn new techniques. One great way to do this is

Introducing Carlos Capacho

Introducing Carlos Capacho

Carlos Capacho is one of the cuatro players discovered by the contest “Siembra del Cuatro”

How to Play Difficult Songs on the Venezuelan Cuatro as a Beginner

How to Play Difficult Songs as a Beginner

The best way of learning a difficult song is just to copy another musician player style. For some people this would be against normal sense (you should have your own stlye) but how you´re supose to do this if you´re just starting! Let´s find out.