
Tips you have to learn to master the Cuatro

Course: Cuatro Masters: Cheo Hurtado

Picture of TuCuatro


All music instruments have their secrets and the Cuatro is no exception to this when it comes to tips to learn to play the cuatro. Cheo Hurtado provides some insightful tips on certain aspects that are important and should always be considered when playing the Cuatro. He indicates the importance of the playing hand of the Cuatro, which is the hand being made use of for conducting strumming. He also touches upon certain physical aspects such as what we should keep in mind whilst holding the Cuatro.

These are all important aspects when learning how to play an instrument like the cuatro as typically courses go right into how to play the instrument without too much mention of these aspects. If you were to have a look at this seminar, then you will definitely take on board the tips and elements indicated by experts on the instrument such as Cheo Hurtado.

Let’s then dive into the content of this lesson. You’ll see a few topics below that touch on what are the secrets of the Cuatro playing, how a musician should hold the Cuatro and what to do when you feel pain after playing for many hours.

Enjoy this lesson! Let us know if you have any comments

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