Exercises are highly important and all musicians are required to practice as much as they can. With music, practice does make perfect and it is for this reason that our students who have the best results are those who practice daily. In this lesson, we’ll see a tip on regarding a Scale Exercise that Master Hurtado recommends.
Cheo Hurtado is recommending an advanced practice of scales that is progressive. The exercise uses all of the stretches of the fretboard and becomes more complicated as you move forward. He first starts with one string, then two, three and finally makes use of all 4 strings. Take a close look at the exercise recommended (remember to turn the subtitles ON):
Advanced Scale Exercises Cheo Hurtado
You can tell that as he progresses in this exercise that the complexity gets greater and the Cuatro also starts to sound more and more of the instrument that it is known to be….more of a soloist one.
Here’s a diagram of the A major scale, as used by Master Cheo Hurtado in this video

You can also try learning all of the other scales. Follow this link to see all scales for the Cuatro.