
Seis Corrido Part 1

Course: Basic Course for Bandola Llanera

Picture of Yasuji D'Gucci

Yasuji D'Gucci

“Seis Corrido” is a golpe played in tres and its chord cycle D – G – A7 – A7 is very common to the Caribbean countries. We will explore this rhythm in two sections with numerous exercises for you to practice.

Play the Karaoke of Seis Corrido 160 BPM

Play the Karaoke of Seis Corrido 200 BPM

Download the tablature of Seis Corrido in PDF by Clicking Here

Download the Demo of Seis Corrido Audio File by Clicking Here

Download the Karaoke of Seis Corrido 160BPM Audio File by Clicking Here

Download the Karaoke of Seis Corrido 200BPM Audio File by Clicking Here

In the following videos each section is played very slowly (100BPM). First a version without segundeos is shown, then comes another with segundeos. It is very recommendable to get hold of the melody line by playing it without segundeos before applying segundeos.
Lastly, the third version is played at 200BPM, a speed of slower golpes.

Section A-B of the Seis Corrido

Section A is the introduction.

In bar 13 a chord strumming is found. Its meaning is shown as follows. That is, the notes on the 4th to 2nd string are grace notes for the main note on the 1st string and this note sits on the first beat point of the bar. Strictly speaking, the first three notes begin to be played at the end of the bar immediately in front so that the main note can come to the head of the bar. Without this understanding, one would be in danger of playing out of rhythm. Beginners may omit the grace notes and play only the note of the 1st string in order to avoid too much difficulty.


In applying a staccato to a note already held, the finger holding the note is lifted up slightly keeping the contact with the string. In applying it to an open string, just after the picking the vibration of the string will be interrupted by some finger. It is recommendable to do this with the finger and on the fret for the next note.

Section C of the Seis Corrido

seis corrio c

Note: Here sweep picking is effective.

Section D of the Seis Corrido

Here it is important that in the 1st string each upward picking should be done well to the sufficient height so that the next picking gets easier. As you notice, six quarter notes in every two bars are divided into three units of two. This phenomenon is called “hemiola” and is applied very often to the joropo.

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