
I Want Jesus More Than Anything

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G G7
I want Jesus in my life
More than anything this world can offer me
G G7 A7 D7
For I know that He alone can satisfy
G G7
Just to know His leading in my life
C Cm
Is worth everything that I might sacrifice
G C D7 G
Oh I want Jesus more than anything
C D7
So take the fame that I might want
And all the things that seem so dear
Am D7
I’d rather have Him than any praise
That men may give to me
C D7
I want Him to have control
And be the breath of life in me
I’d rather have Jesus
D7 G
I’d rather Him more than anything
He had power without end
From the heavens He rule the universe
Countless angels waited on His every call
But one day I saw Him all alone
On a road to death and untold agony
Just for me He suffered, oh, what a price to pay
As I go on through life with Him
There can be no other way
I want Jesus
I want Jesus
Oh, I want Jesus more than anything

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