The hem of his garment

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C# C#7 F# C#
A woman one day tried many physcians
C# D#7 G#7
But daily grew worse in the Bible we’re told
C# C#7 F# C#
But when she had heard, she came to Jesus
C# G#7 C#
And she found what she needed for her body and soul
G#7 C# F# C#
Chorus: If I could just touch the hem of His garment
D#7 G#7
If I could just touch one part of His clothes
C# F# C#
I know I’d be healed, my sins are forgiven
G#7 C#
If I could just touch Him, I know I’d be whole
Blind Bartimus sat by the wayside begging
Nobody to help him down life’s weary way
Then Jesus passed by and He heard His sad crying
He reached down His hand and He healed Him that day
One day I sat by the wayside begging
Nobody to help me down life’s weary way
Then Jesus came by and He heard my sad crying
He reached down His hand and He saved me that day

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